
72nd Anniversary of the D-Day beach landings in Normandy

Wednesday 1st – Wednesday 8th June

Sainte Mère Eglise

Reconstruction of « Geronimo » American military camp with scenes of American Airborne troops in Normandy.
Several animations and workshops on the camp.
Associations : Enfer Normand, Overlord 76, V for Victory and MCVG Bretagne.
Organisation : Airborne Museum – 02 33 41 41 35 –


72nd Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy

Friday 13th May – Friday 30th September

Sainte Mère Eglise

Exhibition « A German prisoner camp in Foucarville » at Airborne Museum

Apart from Foucarville and Ravenoville inhabitants, only a few people knows about the German prisoner camp set there between 1944 et 1947. It was called: “Continental Central Enclosure n°19 » and was built initially for 20,000 men but was enlarged to welcome 60,000. A real town has been built with time with electrical lighting, roads, toilets and bathrooms, water supplies (600,000 liters per day) and a railway.
This exhibition will present unpublished information and testimonies so as original items in their environment that have never been presented until now.
But even more than the life in the camp, relationships between prisoners and inhabitants, this exhibition is allowing a question about the role of this prison that displayed a aim: reeducating German young men back to democracy.
14th May: Conference about the exhibition  « A German prisoner camp in Foucarville » (to be confirmed)
Organization: Airborne Museum
– 0033 233 41 41 35 –
www.airborne-museum.orgFoucarville POW camp n°19

72nd Anniversary of the D-Day beach landings in Normandy

Sunday 29th May 2016


9 a.m.-5 p.m.: Military fair in Salle Jean-Claude Flambard, rue d’Utah Beach.
Entrance fee: 2,50 €. Exhibitors : 8 €/m

Miiltaria fair

Normandy and the D-Day festivites for the 73rd anniversary

Saturday June 3rd

In Foucarville :

At 11 a.m there will be a ceremony at the monument dedicated to the former German prisoner camp.

Organisation : Townhall of Foucarville  
The phone number is +33 233 41 46 30

72nd Anniversary of the D-Day beach landings in Normandy

Sunday 29th May


11 a.m.: Memorial Day at the 507th PIR Monument.

Organization: US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude –

Paratroopers memorial

72nd Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy

Thursday 19th May

Sainte Mère Eglise

Inauguration and opening of the Ronald Reagan Conference center at Airborne Museum.
This 4th building completes the museum with a space for a conference center, a cinema and a temporary exhibition room.
In normal configuration, half the space is dedicated to a temporary exhibition, the other half to the cinema. For special events like seminars or conferences, the space is adapted to the animation program of the museum.
Ronald Reagan Fundation is headed by Michael Reagan, son of the USA President (1981-1989). the fundation wanted to finacially help this project and also create a long-lasting partnership concerning the conferences.
Organization: Airborne Museum – 0033 233 41 41 35 –

72nd Anniversary of the D-Day beach landings in Normandy

Saturday 28th May

Ravenoville – Sainte Mère Eglise

International March for Peace – 10th edition – 19 km

From 9 a.m. on: gathering at Ravenoville (Beach). 10 a.m. : Start for the first 10 km
You pass next to Crisbecq German Battery before a lunch stop at Azeville Battery at 12:30 p.m.
2 p.m.: Start for 5,5 km. 3:30 p.m. : “Tea time” at chateau Grandval in Neuville au Plain
4 p.m.: Start for the last 3,5 km.
5 p.m.: Arrival on the church’ square in Sainte Mère Eglise (through rue 505e Airborne)
6 p.m.: Ecomenical service in the church of Sainte Mère Eglise
7 p.m.: Dinner at the hall market in Sainte Mère Eglise (with prior booking)

You can join the walk from any point. A minibus follows to welcome tired hikers.
The walk does not allow any vehicle, motorcycle, bikes or re-enactment uniform.
Shuttle service is available to join Ravenoville

If you leave your vehicle in Sainte Mère Eglise or to go back if you leave you car if Ravenoville.
Organisation :

Sunday 29th May

72nd Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy

Saturday May 28th and Sunday May 29th

Town Hall post war

Sainte Mère Eglise

Book convention known as « Histoire et Mémoire »
which means “History & Memory”
, at the town hall.

Information to be found at : Sainte Mère Eglise Media Library
phone : 02 33 04 60 19
email :

D-Day Normandy Winter Tour

D-Day happened on June 6th 1944 … and most tours in Normandy are from mid-March to mid-Novemember but this winter American-DDay-Tours is still active,
sure most of the museums are closed and the weather isn’t the warmest but if you’re up to it I can still give you a great tour.

US soldiers in snow

We will have more time to visit the sites, taking pictures will be awesome
as the crowds of tourists won’t be around.
The history is amazing as June 6th is one of the 20th century’s most important dates when it comes to life changing events (for the better).

Discounted rates for 1 and 2 day D-Day tours from Decemember 2nd 2015  to March 15th 2016 up to 8 people.

If you’re coming from Paris by train
the best place to stop is in CARENTAN leaving Paris at 7.07 am (more trains on week days) : Book your train ticket here

Here’s an example of what can be done and seen with me on a 1 day tour :

Utah Beach
Hedgerow stop
Omaha Beach
American cemetery
(closes at 5 pm)
and the visitors center
(closed from Jan. 9 to Jan 22nd)

Check the link for prices : Special Winter Prices

D-Day Celebrations in Normandy 72nd Anniversary


Wednesday June 1st to June 8th

« Geronimo » American Military camp re-enactors with tents, soldiers and vehicules.
Scenes showing Airborne Paratroopers and their deployment in Normandy.

Many events and workshops at the camp.
The Airborne Museum is organising the event.
Phone :   02 33 41 41 35
Website :