
The 73rd anniversary D-Day celebrations in Normandy



8.30,pm to 10.30 pm

Concert near the sea “Foucarville Bunker” , the longest jazz day

(fyi : just look for a group of jazz players by the sea near Fourcarville!)

The 73rd anniversary D-Day celebrations in Normandy


Sainte Mere Eglise

10 a.m.
Flowering of monument in memory of
Generals Gavin and Ridgway

at the townhall
Orgnasization: C-47 Club Normandy Chapter 

For information about the ceremony please email us at :

Normandy, D-Day landings and the 73rd anniversary celebrations


Sainte Mère Eglise

9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Military fair, in front and in the hall market

Organization : Association Timberwolves
Phone :  0033 608 45 24 65
Email :

Normandy, D-Day landings and the 73rd anniversary celebrations

Sainte Marie du Mont

Sainte Marie du Mont

Liberation evening with concerts
Organization: Club du Souvenir Militaire
Phone : 0033  233 71 56 54

WW2 Normandy D-Day landing beaches stories rarely heard

The Taking of Marcouf

In the ungodly predawn hours of June 6, 1944, well before the Germans were fully aware that their Fortress Europe was about to be assaulted, 2 rubber rafts covertly approached the shore of one of the two tracts of land that make up the St. Marcouf Islands off Normandy, France, 4 miles east of the coast of the Cotentin peninsula. The 4 UDT’s (underwater demolition team) manning the rafts, who were attached to the 4th Cavalry Group, were armed with nothing more than their fighting knives and flashlights. Their mission was to eliminate the threat that was believed to be on the island to help clear the way for the main invasion force. 
One of the UDT’s was twenty-four year old CPL Harvey Sigurd Olson of Lake Bronson, Minnesota. CPL Olson and the other men navigated their black and musty smelling rafts over choppy waters and large swells until they were about a hundred yards from their objective when they scuttled them with their knives and swam the rest of the way to the shore. The expectation of finding at least a small garrison on the island made their adrenaline pump with each step they took further onto the lightless island. 
 In England, CPL Olson and his fellow the UDT’s trained extensively for this assault. Time after time they were taken out into the English Channel by Navy boats, deposited in the water and left to swim back to shore. It made sound military sense to assume that the Germans would occupy the Island as a defensive outpost which would give advance warning in the event of an invasion. This is why there was an emphasis put on this mission and the men whose shoulders it fell upon all volunteered for the job. 
The sound of the surf crashing onto the beach filled the air as the landing party explored the island. It quickly became clear that St. Marcouf was uninhabited but not without danger. The Germans placed hundreds, if not, thousands of anti-tank and anti-personnel mines throughout the small island. CPL Olson, Troop A, 4th Cavalry, and the other men, PVT Thomas C. Elleran, Troop A, 4th Cavalry, SGT John Zanders. Troop B, 4th Cavalry, and CPL Melvin F. Kenzie, Troop B, 4th Cavalry, signaled the rest of their group, consisting of one-hundred-thirty-two men from the 4th and 24th Squadrons of the 4th Cavalry, and marked the beach with lamps so they could join the 4 UDT’s on shore. The island was fully secured by 0530, a full hour prior to the main seaborne invasion. 
Although St. Marcouf was not occupied by the Germans, Corporal Harvey Olson was awarded the Silver Star for his bravery. Harvey Olson’s Silver Star citation reads, The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Silver Star Medal to Harvey Sigurd Olson (37023123), Sergeant, U.S. Army, for gallantry in action against the enemy while serving with Troop A, 4th Reconnaissance Squadron (Mechanized), on 6 June 1944, in France. On that date Sergeant Olson with one companion, displaying the highest courage in the face of unknown dangers, became one of the first American Soldiers of the ground forces to land on French soil. He volunteered for the mission of the landing on D-DAY on the Iles De St Marcouf, a strategically placed island commanding the beach where assault was to be made. Sergeant Olson and his companion paddled through heavy surf and mined waters in a small two-man rubber boat to within 100 yards of the island. Sergeant Olson then destroyed his craft by slashing it open, and swam the remaining distance armed only with a knife. Once on the island, which was heavily covered with anti-tank and anti- personnel mines, Sergeant Olson and his companion signaled the assault forces and marked the beach with lights.
 Headquarters, VII Corps, General Orders No. 43 (1944).
 Harvey Olson served twenty-two years in the service including during the Korean conflict. He died on September 6, 2002 in Hallock, MN at the age of eighty-one. Currently, the fortifications on St. Marcaouf that were believed to have been occupied by the Germans are falling into ruins. The association “les Amis de l’île du Large Saint-Marcouf” (Friends of Saint-Marcouf), has been preserving the island and is seeking donations to keep the project going. The association’s website is however, the site is in French. Thank you to Danielle Duboscq (mother of Trevor Standefer D-Day battlefield guide)  for bringing this story to our attention.
Article submitted by :
 James Oliveri, WW2 Legacy Keepers

D-Day & the Airborne Museum

New in Sainte Mere Eglise …at the Airborne Museum

On April 1st 2017 the Airborne Museum in Sainte Mere Eglise will inaugurate an new interactive touch screen desk, where you will be able to find out all the names of the American soldiers who were buried in the 3 (temporary) American gravesites where over  12000 to 15000 soldiers were layed to rest between 1944 and 1948.

French Normand lady putting flowers on a grave

French Normand lady putting flowers on a grave

Information at :

Airborne Museum
14, rue Eisenhower 50480 Sainte-Mère-Eglise
02 33 41 78 03

Normandy, D-Day landings and the 73rd anniversary celebrations

June 2nd to June 8th


7 p.m.-22 p.m.: Late-night opening at World War II Museum.
Enjoy the evening and visit a reconstructed 1940’s street,
several vehicles and equipment and also
WW2 scale display with figurines and vehicles.
Organization:  World War 2 Museum
phone : 0033 233 95 95 95
email :

What’s happening in Normandy with the D-Day celebrations

Sunday June 4th

Near the  “La Fière” bridge there’s a monument called Iron Mike,
it represents the spirt of the airborne paratrooper.
The same statue can be found at the entrance
of the airborne military base in Fayetteville NC

Iron Mike

Iron Mike

2:15 p.m.: Ceremony at Iron Mike Monument

Organization: Townhall – 0033 233 41 31 18


Normandy, D-Day landings and the 73rd anniversary celebrations

La Fière

Parachutes in Normandy sky

Parachute drops at La Fière


(2 miles west  of Sainte Mère Eglise, direction Picauville)

Sunday June 4th

11 a.m.: Great military and historic parachute drops

The roads will be closed to vehicles so get there early
by going either on foot or with your bicycle.

Information at the town hall of Sainte mere Eglise

Phone : 00 33 2 33 41 31 18
Email :

The 73rd D-Day anniversary celebrations in Normandy


Parade of military vehicles in Isigny-sur-Mer

WW2 era vehicles military & civilian

Sunday June 4th

10 a.m. : Parade of military and civilian vehicles.
It starts from the Arizona Camp
(in front of the Intermarché supermarket)

The parade goes through town
and exhibits will be on place du Grand Valnoble
(around 12 p.m.-noon).

Organization: CAPA
Email :
Phone : 0033 634 03 46 45