What’s going on during the 1st week of June in Normandy?

Overlord Military Events in Normandy from June 2nd to June 6th 2018

For the first time in Normandy
sign up with Overlord Miltary Events

Museum EventHistorical shows and militaria conventions, parades of original vehicles civilian and military.
Cars, Jeeps, trucks, and tanks
of not only allied forces but also the axis of evil.
There will be showsas well and uniques models presented for that period.
Take advantage of these special days
and events to do a combo of visiting,
seeing and experiencing what it’s like to be in Normandy,
after you can even visit the museum,
pay hommage to the men buried
at the American Military cemetery
and finish off by a walk down on the beach.

This is taking place around,
next to and in the Overlord Museum in Colleville-sur-Mer 14170.

Information and program at : www.overlordmuseum.com/en

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