
D-Day Celebrations in Normandy 71st Anniversary

Friday 12th June

Saint Côme du Mont

6 p.m. (time to be confirmed): Inauguration of the new building “D-Day Experience” at the Dead Man’s Corner Museum.
With official invitation only. Information: 0033 233 42 00 42 or


D-Day Celebrations in Normandy 71st Anniversary

Sunday 7th June

LA FIERE – Sainte Mère Eglise/Picauville/Amfreville

Parachute drops over La Fière

Parachute drops over La Fière


3km from Sainte Mère Eglise direction Picauville

 11 a.m.: MILITARY parachute drops (300 American paratroopers and other nationalities)

jump (Copier)

Paratroopers coming down into Normandy

Following the military parachute drops: Historic parachute drops with Liberty Jump Team (LJT)
with 1 C-47 plane (W7) and 35 paratroopers and
Round Canopy Parachuting Team (RCPT) with 3 C-47 planes and 70 paratroopers.

3 p.m.: Ceremony at the Memorial of the Paratroopers,
Iron Mike Monument, at la Fière. Organization: Townhall

Following the parachute drops:
Inauguration of the plaque at Memorial of Paratroopers
at Monument Iron Mike in La Fière by AVA (Amis des Vétérans Américains)

– ou

Paratroopers come back to the church square

Music entertainment, on the church’ square.

D-Day Celebrations in Normandy 71st Anniversary

Sunday 7th June

Sainte Mère Eglise

9 a.m.: Ceremony at the temporary military cemetery monument at the sportfield.
Organization: Townhall

Church in Sainte Mere Eglise

9.30 a.m.: Memorial Mass in the church.

D-Day Celebrations in Normandy 71st Anniversary

Sunday 7th June


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Morning: Military vehicles parade.
Organization: CAPA –


11.30 p.m.: Night spectacle with theatre-cinema guided visit
of vestiges from the battlefield

and re-enactment of the taking of the manor in June 1944.
Entrance fee: 10 €
Prior booking: 0033 (0)2 33 42 03 22 or 0033 (0)6 47 51 02 69.

71th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy, June 2015

 Friday 5th June


11.30 a.m.: Ceremony at 507th PIR Monument.
Organization: Townhall in partnership with US Normandy Mémoire et Gratitude
– 0033 233 52 63 27 or

Amefreville ceremony

Amefreville ceremony

3. p.m.: Ceremony at DeGlopper site (D15, direction Picauville).
Organization: Townhall in partnership with US Normandy Mémoire et Gratitude
– 0033 233 52 63 27 or

71th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings in Normandy, June 2015

Friday 5th June


10 a.m: Ceremony.
Organization: US Normandy Mémoire et Gratitude
– 0033 233 52 63 27 or


8.30 p.m.: Dinner-Jazz concert at the Manor of Donville.
Prior booking: 0033 (0)2 33 42 03 22 or 0033 (0)6 47 51 02 69.

11.30 p.m.: Night spectacle with theatre-cinema guided visit of vestiges from the battle field and re-enactment of the take of the manor of Donville in June 1944.
Entrance fee: 10 €.
Prior booking: 0033 (0)2 33 42 03 22
0033 (0)6 47 51 02 69.

D-Day Celebrations in Normandy 71st Anniversary

Sunday 7th June


10 a.m.: Ceremony in honor of 101st Airborne American paratroopers
and inauguration of a monument dedicated to the Filthy 13, in hamlet “le Moulin”.

Organization: Réal Desmarets (FB)

D-Day June 6th Normandy 71st Anniversary 2015

Saturday, 6th June

Utah Beach, Sainte Marie du Mont

12 p..m.: Official ceremony with French, American, German and Danish troops.
Organization: Townhall.

2.30 p.m.: Inauguration of Higgins Boat Memorial
with American political and military authorities so as American and French military music.

8 p.m.: Gala evening with actors from “Band of Brothers” in the museum.
Organization: WWII foundation –

D-Day Fesitivites in Normandy June 2015 for the 71th Anniversary

 Friday 5th June


6 p.m.: Historic Walk with commentaries “Paratroopers’ Night”. 8 km.
Discover the “bocage”, 507th PIR/82nd Airborne’s Drop Zone, the marshland, the secret ford… Original uniforms can be worn without any real or display weapon.
Meeting at salle des fêtes, next to the townhall. 2 €/person. Limited number of participants.
With prior booking at the Tourist Office: 0033 233 21 00 33 or
Souvenir leaflet: 4 €. Organization: Tourist Office in partnership with the association “US Normandie Mémoire et Gratitude”

D-Day June 6th Normandy 71st Anniversary 2015

Saturday, 6th June

Utah Beach, Sainte Marie du Mont

10 a.m.: March of IVY Division, re-enactment of the itinerary taken by 4th Infantry Division on June, 6th 1944.
Start from Utah Beach. Organization: Club du Souvenir Militaire
– 0033 233 71 56 54 or


11 a.m.: Ceremony at the USN Angelo Chatas Monument,
direction Bird sanctory Beauguillot.
Organization: Association des Amis du Jour J d’Utah Beach
– 0033 233 71 53 18 or 0033 681 65 87 59