D-Day Celebrations in Normandy 71st Anniversary
Friday 12th June
Saint Côme du Mont
6 p.m. (time to be confirmed): Inauguration of the new building “D-Day Experience” at the Dead Man’s Corner Museum.
With official invitation only. Information: 0033 233 42 00 42 or www.paratrooper-museum.org
D-Day Celebrations in Normandy 71st Anniversary
Sunday 7th June
LA FIERE – Sainte Mère Eglise/Picauville/Amfreville
3km from Sainte Mère Eglise direction Picauville
11 a.m.: MILITARY parachute drops (300 American paratroopers and other nationalities)
Following the military parachute drops: Historic parachute drops with Liberty Jump Team (LJT)
with 1 C-47 plane (W7) and 35 paratroopers and
Round Canopy Parachuting Team (RCPT) with 3 C-47 planes and 70 paratroopers.
3 p.m.: Ceremony at the Memorial of the Paratroopers,
Iron Mike Monument, at la Fière. Organization: Townhall
Following the parachute drops:
Inauguration of the plaque at Memorial of Paratroopers
at Monument Iron Mike in La Fière by AVA (Amis des Vétérans Américains)
– contact@avanormandie.org ou www.avanormandie.org
Paratroopers come back to the church square
Music entertainment, on the church’ square.